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How Can You Help?

We are asked this question a lot. When shown the resounding vision of the Monument of the Americas, the message deeply imprints on many people's hearts and spirits. They are inspired. They want to be involved in a meaningful way in bringing the park and its messages to life.

If you feel likewise, there is much to be done. We truly see the Lord's blessings being poured without measure every time one feels compelled to join and rally around this cause of God, legacy and freedom.

Will you be part of this historic project? 
How can you help?

Behold Your Little Ones Fountain detail

Just like our Savior, to whom the park is dedicated, we strive to include all those who wish to be part of building this sacred place.  Therefore donation levels have been established at levels attainable to all budgets with benefits ranging from engraved pavers and benches all the way to personalized legacy statues included in the park, and everywhere in between. 

Monument of the Americas 
Donor Levels

Supporting Member


name or family name on a walkway paver


Garden Master Member


name or family name on plaque in chosen garden area,

choice of tabletop statues or signed art prints


Sustaining Member


name or family name of plaque placed on park bench (limited),

choice of tabletop statues or signed art prints


Regency Member


limited edition of "The Title of Liberty"statue (limited), 

or customized benefit agreeable to donor


Presidential Member


family member likeness given to an existing park statue (limited),

or customized benefit agreeable to donor


Founding Member 


family name on main entrance donor plaque,

or customized benefit agreeable to donor


King Benjamin Amphitheater


naming rights for the King Benjamin amphitheater,

or customized benefit agreeable to donor


Behold Your Little Ones Fountain


naming rights for the Behold Your Little Ones Fountain,

or customized benefit agreeable to donor


Please contact us at


Monument of the Americas is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and as such all donations are fully tax deductible

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Donate your time and talents

We believe everyone has been blessed with unique abilities and talents. We need volunteers to help build and operate the park: artists, fundraisers, landscapers, designers, docents, contractors, marketers, project managers, and more. Contact us to discuss how you feel you can best help our team or for help in hosting a fundraiser or information session.

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